Doogan here and I’m lucky to be alive!
Responding to a direct request from Mr. William Randolph Hearst himself, your intrepid reporter followed a red-hot lead here to China Station, the Far East’s answer to Hoboken in January. My Mission? None other then to track down and if at all possible, return to America, the renown scientist, inventor of the Radon Intellescope, Dr. Raullo Ortega, missing now for over a year.
Captain Bernard Longshins, ex-Royal Navy, now commodore of the tramp steamer, Madam Butterfly, took me up the muddy delta of the legendary Boo Kong River. This was the only safe route to China Station, I was assured, since the notorious warlord Chun-King was operating in the dense jungle between this last outpost of civilization and the coast.
I spent my time below decks with Captain Longshins’ crew, a motley assortment of rogues and cutthroats performing my sacred duty in search of God’s own truth, using only my wits and a pack of cards I’ve carried since I was prematurely discharged from the Boy Scouts of America at the age of ten.
A hair’s breadth away from uncovering crucial clues as to the last known whereabouts of Dr. Ortega, and seven hundred French francs richer, my journalistic inquiry came to a sudden halt when a towering Malaysian coal shoveler, with a very large razor, claimed to have found a second queen of spades under a straw hat which bore a vague resemblance to my own bird nest. Executing a perfect swan dive from the quarterdeck, this reporter would have made his Michigan State swim team proud.
Kudos go out to the Remington Portable Typewriter Company for an excellent machine capable of enduring extensive submersion in both water and mud without suffering more then minor damage.
I now find myself in the palatial quarters of Mrs. Lau’s House for Fallen Flowers, China Station’s finest accommodation (which ain’t saying much folks), where I will prepare to continue my quest on behalf of you, dear readers.
Until next time, turn the lights off Ma and let the cat out. This is Doogan signing off.
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Pleae Visit the Pulp Figures Site.